As I've been involved with horses since a young age, I felt I needed to do more to bring my canine experience up to the same standard. Since September I have been watching and assisting at a local dog agility club, I have now ran the instructor's Border Collie during the practice evenings.
My weekly placement there has been hugely beneficial as I have learnt not only about dog agility, but also general canine behaviour and training methods. I have had the chance to speak to many owners with dogs ranging from Whippets to Jack Russels to Pointers, these owners have told me their personal experiences of injuries and conditions in their canines.
One of the most interesting dogs I have met at agility has been an older Labrador with Fibromyalgia, to watch canine gait patterns in various breeds, especially those dogs who have conditions and injuries, has enabled me to develop my eye.
The only downside is the temperature drop in the indoor school at 8.30pm!!