Description A lecture covering the legislation that as a Veterinary Physiotherapist will be relevant to my practice. Five scenarios were created which could potentially occur when treating animals for clients, I answered the scenarios based upon my knowledge of the legislation.
Feelings This method of learning the legislation did not work for me, as a dyslexic student I find I benefit most when I have material to read and re-write my own notes in a way which I would remember, Simmons and Singleton (2000) found that dyslexic students in higher education have poor working memory, it is imperative that I am aware of my learning preferences. I was surprised with some of the answers, in particular the responsibility for both animal and owner falling on the veterinary physiotherapist in a clinical setting. I feel I will benefit from further research into the legislation that will affect myself in future as a qualified Veterinary Physiotherapist, in particular the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Evaluation Having scenarios to relate the legislation to was a beneficial exercise, it high-lighted not only the legal aspects of practise, but also the importance of health and safety. Health and safety is of significant importance especially when working with animals (Gustafsson, 1997), in the event that you or a client were harmed and you need to go through insurance, you must have taken safety precautions.
Analysis What may have helped my learning for this lecture to ensure I got the most out of it would have been if I had researched the legislation that affects Veterinary Physiotherapists prior to the lecture and had my own notes with me.
Conclusion As already mentioned, in retrospect I should have done some reading prior to the lecture and taken my own notes. What I will do now is use the scenarios as a revision tool and answer them again once I have revised legislation, answering these scenarios without group discussion or referring back to notes will test whether or not I have learnt the information.
Gustafsson, B. (1997). The health and safety of workers in a confined animal system. Livestock Production Science. 49 (2), 191-202.
Simmons, F. Singleton, C.. (2000). The reading comprehension abilities of dyslexic students in higher education. Dyslexia. 6 (3), 178-192.