Description The Advanced Functional Anatomy module covers; equine and canine skeleton, muscles, the nervous system and musculoskeletal and neurological dysfunction. The module is building upon knowledge students possess when they start the course, the module has been my first introduction to dissections and most notably the taught anatomy is in greater depth.
Feelings I am enthusiastic about the module, however the vast amount of information to learn is daunting. Working full-time and looking after my three horses leaves me with less time to dedicate to my studies, Curtis and Shani (2010) found there is an adverse effect on study when students work full-time. The research by Curtis and Shani (2010) is supported by Hunt et al (2006) whom found “the adverse impact of employment on attainment was found to be substantial and statistically significant”. Study habits and techniques tailored to my learning style will allow me to maximise my productivity in the time I dedicate to my modules. However, Pashler et al (2009) states the validity behind this theory of individual learning styles remains untested as very few studies have used an experimental methodology.
Evaluation I have produced revision material tailored to my needs and am hopeful that I will quickly progress and develop on existing knowledge. My strengths within this module include the skeleton and the neurological dysfunction and musculoskeletal disorders, my weakness being the origins and insertions of muscles.
Analysis In hindsight I would have benefitted from recapping over existing knowledge before the course, continuing to do so throughout the first year. This revision technique of re-capping information is called “spacing”, it improves later recall of information (Roediger and Karpicke, 2006). Re-visiting the information means the brain must re-learn what has already been absorbed, this is self-reinforcing and demonstrates why tests are useful learning tools (Roediger and Karpicke, 2006).
Conclusion I have discovered the revision technique of spacing and have learnt the importance of tests as a revision tool which I am now using. The MSc requires time management and having started preparation before the course would have stood me in good stead.
Reference List
Curtis, S. Shani, N.. (2010). The Effect of Taking Paid Employment During Term-time on Students' Academic Studies. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 26 (2), 129-138.
Hunt, A. Lincoln, I. Walker, A.. (2006). Term-time employment and academic attainment: evidence from a large-scale survey of undergraduates at Northumbria University. Journal of Further and Higher Education . 28 (1), 3-18.
Pashler, H. McDaniel, M. Rohrer, D. Bjork, R.. (2009). Learning Styles - Concepts and Evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. 9 (3), 105-119.
Roediger, H. Karpicke, J.. (2006). Test-Enhanced Learning - Taking Memory Tests Improves Long-Term Retention. Psychological Science. 17 (3), p249-255.